The reputation of an attorney begins not in the courtroom, but in the eyes of the prospect. What a person perceives about you before they even meet you is the deciding factor in whether or not they choose to work with you. Let’s face it, the Internet has altered the way we do business. The legal industry has changed. Gone are the days of forceful fear tactics and intimidation techniques to win clients over. Today, people want full-transparency and they deserve it. A simple Google search for the best attorney in your area is a prime example of how times have changed. Without positive reviews, attorney’s struggle with client retention and online presence against their competitors. While this may seem as a negative to most attorneys, it has been a blessing for others. Outside of the courtroom, Steven is actively involved in the community. He is a member of several legal associations and educational causes. This includes: -Texas Criminal Defense Lawyer Association (TCDLA) -Collin County Criminal Defense Lawyer Association (3CDLA) -Collin County Young Lawyers Associations (CCYLA) – Board Member Steven is hands down the greatest sports fanatic you will ever meet. As a native Texan, he has a real passion for football. “Sports are a big part of my life. I am a die-hard Cowboys and Rangers fan!” While his weekly routine includes working out at the gym, running, and hiking, Steven truly enjoys a good sports conversation with his clients, when they are not discussing business. Quality comes with time and trust. If you are looking for an attorney who will listen to you, work with you, and fight for your rights, call Steven today! He looks forward to going the extra mile for you.