Free Consultation! No Fees or Cost Till We Win! We practice in Employment Law and Personal Injury Law. If you’re being treated unfairly by your employer or by an insurance company, WE ARE HERE TO HELP YOU GET WHAT YOU DESERVE!
If you’ve had a Car Accidents, Motorcycle Accidents, Bicycles Accidents, Slips, Trips, or Dog Bite we can help! We will help you get the medical care you need and the financial recovery you deserve. Your insurance company may not be on your side! Let us help you!An accident or incident can cause trauma to your life, let us help you find safety and security in this difficult time. We treat our clients with care and respect, we work for you! We will get you the medical care you need to heal from an accident and we will fight the insurance companies to get you the money you deserve!
It is crucial to your health and your case to see a medical specialist immediately after an accident. This serves two purposes; first, it is much easier to cure physical ailments that result from accidents if you begin treatment immediately. Second, it is important to identify your ailments and have a documented diagnosis and prognosis from a medical specialist to present during initial negotiations, mediation, or trial.We strive to get you the best medical treatment available for any and all injuries resulting from an accident or incident with no immediate out of pocket cost, we use a lien on your case! We can send you to orthopedic surgeons, neurologists, chiropractors, physical therapists, and the list goes on. We have a great network of doctors in all areas. Let us guide you!