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Mr. Thomas J. Henry is a renowned trial attorney who has been practicing law for over 25 years. He has represented countless victims of catastrophic trucking and auto accidents, on the job accidents, medical malpractice claims, and many other claims across the United States. Mr. Henry has devoted his entire career to fighting passionately for his clients.

In addition to practicing law, Mr. Henry has also been an educator to many of his peers on how to become aggressive trial lawyers and how to handle various types of cases. Mr. Henry is a frequent speaker for bar and other trade and professional organizations which include attorneys who are board-certified and non-certified. Some topics he has spoken on include different areas of personal injury, litigation, and expert issues. Recently, he has given lectures regarding medical malpractice and illegal solicitation.

Thomas J. Henry has made it his duty to represent each and every client with aggressiveness and dedication. His goal is not only to fight the battle but conquer. His unrelenting diligence, discipline, and perseverance will continue to result in success for his clients.

Thomas J. Henry Law has expanded rapidly across the state of Texas since its inception more than 25 years ago. Thomas J. Henry’s leadership and vision have allowed the firm to open and operate several law offices in Corpus Christi, San Antonio, Austin, and Dallas, Texas. Each law office is fully equipped with state-of-the-art technology and case management systems, giving the attorneys that work there everything they need to provide excellent legal representation to injured clients across Texas and the United States.

Practice Area
Personal Injury
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Thomas J. Henry.jpg 2 years ago
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