
Pierce Jones attended the University of Houston Honors College where he graduated with a degree in Classical Literature with a minor in Latin. After UH, Pierce attended South Texas College of Law Houston (STCLH) to learn the skills needed to effectively represent those that have been unjustly harmed. While attending STCLH Pierce traveled to multiple states to compete as a Varsity Advocate in Mock Trial Litigation tournaments. After receiving his JD, Pierce continues to judge STCLH Mock Trial Litigation teams to help future STCLH advocates grow.

Following law school, Pierce has made it his goal to find justice for those who have been harmed by the negligence of others. Pierce’s primary focus with Johnson Law Group is in pharmaceutical, medical device, and personal injury litigation.

Pierce continues to volunteer and support the Children’s Memorial Hermann NICU bereavement program for families who experienced the death of their baby through miscarriage, stillbirth, or infant loss.

Practice Area
Personal Injury
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