Lisa Kane has been a member of the federal court for 25 years and in that time Lisa Kane & Associates has successfully been filing and litigating in the Federal Court of the Northern District of Illinois.  She has successfully briefed and argued some of her cases through to the 7th Circuit Appellate court (An Appellate court directly beneath the Supreme Court). The spirit and force of her arguments can be found in several court decisions, now considered case law in employment law, as well as her work being included in syllabuses in law schools.

The awards and recognition cited below are not badges of pretension, but rather endorsements of the legal community that you will receive representation from a trial attorney with the utmost integrity and an uncompromising will to achieve the best possible outcome for you.

Importantly, as Lisa has been a member of the Federal Trial Bar she has always taken her oath as an officer of the court with respect and seriousness. Lisa did this by making herself available to the courts for pro se litigants.

The Court recognized her dedication with the “Award for Excellence in Pro Bono and Public Interest Service”. Lisa has been the only member of the Northern District to have received this recognition twice.

Practice Area
Employment Law
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