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Mr. Maggio previously worked in other Southern California law firms for years before opening his own practice in 2005. Prior to becoming an attorney in 1999, Mr. Maggio worked in the legal field, and therefore has over 20 years of legal experience.

Throughout his work experience in general, and his legal career in particular, Mr. Maggio has always worked closely with people to reach solutions to their problems and assist them in a multitude of capacities. Mr. Maggio understands that being a divorce and family law attorney and working with clients requires a combination of compassion for clients, listening to their needs, professionalism, honest communications, and objective assessment of a client’s case, and he exemplifies those qualities.

Mr. Maggio provides aggressive representation when necessary, while always balancing that with attempts to resolve legal disputes with minimal litigation and legal fees. He guides his clients through the legal process with the right combination of aggressiveness and professionalism to achieve successful results.

Practice Area
Family Law
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Untitled design (25).png 5 years ago
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