
For over thirty years, Richard Gulbrandsen has focused on personal injury law, including motor vehicle accidents and wrongful death claims. His record of success is a reflection of his focused, passionate and well-informed approach to every claim. It is an approach that has garnered acclaim for both he and his firm.

A graduate of Brigham Young University with a bachelor’s degree in accounting, Richard received his law degree from Arizona State University in 1982 and was admitted to the Arizona State Bar.

A measure of the respect Richard has earned within the Arizona law community is that he is a former president (and current member) of the Arizona Trial Lawyers Association. He is also a member of the American Association for Justice and the East Valley and Maricopa County Bar Associations.

By focusing on clients’ rights and providing an honest assessment of their claims and options, Richard and his staff consistently facilitate the best possible case resolutions, and look forward to the continued opportunity to make a difference in the lives of personal injury victims.

Practice Area
Family Law
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