
I have practiced personal injury law for over 30 years. During that time I have learned a great deal about the law, how to succeed and how to obtain a successful outcome for an injured client.

The philosophy of our law firm is clear, in that we have built a firm dedicated to personalized and family-oriented principles, in which the client will always be represented by an attorney that they can talk to, meet with and feel comfortable with. The key to any successful attorney/client relationship is trust. We feel we have earned the trust of thousands of our clients whom we have represented over the years.

If you are looking for a conglomerate firm with hundreds of lawyers, you probably will not want to consult with Legler & Flynn. However, if you are interested in speaking with an attorney one on one, as well as a community oriented organization that has been around the Manatee/Sarasota area for over 20 years, then you may want to speak with one of our attorneys.

Practice Area
Family Law
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Kennedy-Legler-III.jpg 4 years ago
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